If we are still announcing the bonus, we still have enough left for your order, yes. If there is any mixup—like if we have 12 left but you order 20 copies—we will email you before shipping anything.

Usually the next business day after placing your order, you will receive an email from us containing USPS or UPS tracking information.

Bazillion Points ships orders hourly from our main stash of books in the center of the United States. Shipments within the United States will arrive within 2-7 postal delivery days. Shipments outside the United States will arrive within 7-14 postage delivery days.

Your payment is completely secure. Not only do we not store any credit card information, we don’t ever even see it. Our credit card processor handles the transaction. And your personal details are transferred entirely via secure https during every step of the transaction. Even this FAQ is secure!

Sorry about that—our payment filters are pretty strict. Believe it or not, there are people running around out there using stolen cards and credentials, we want to be the brick wall that stops them flat. First, please make sure your billing address matches your credit card address. Usually the problem here is a simple change in how the info is…

If you’re traveling to the U.S. from abroad and want help locating our books locally, drop us a line in advance with the contact form below and we’ll point you in the right direction.

Media queries? Book reviewers? Do you need an expert source? That’s us, we have a bazillion answers. Contact us

Many Bazillion Points books are available to license for translation. Our books are currently offered in translation in Argentina, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Poland, Spain, and elsewhere. If you would like to see one of our titles translated into your native language, drop us a line and let us know what local publishers we should approach. We are…

For orders outside the U.S., the weight of the contents of your cart is sent along with your postal code and country to the USPS servers, and actual postage cost is returned and added to your total. In cases where multiple delivery options exist, the least expensive actual cost is always returned. All orders within the United States pay a flat rate…

Since we began work in 2008, the cost of shipping our big, heavy books overseas has risen 300 percent. On the positive side, 99.9% of all shipments reach their destination within a week or two—we’re thankful for reliable delivery. But the cost is high. When possible, it makes sense overseas to look for books locally. Any good bookstore will be…

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